Microsoft Dynamics SMS Integration

[obira_section_title section_title=”Send and receive SMS directly from Microsoft Dynamics” section_content=”Microsoft Dynamics is a powerful CRM that can be used to model and automate your business processes. TxtSync’s Microsoft Dynamics integration allows you to easily incorporate SMS into these business processes. You can be sending and receiving text messages without leaving your CRM! We support both Microsoft Dynamics 2016 on premise and Dynamics 365.” open_link=”true” section_max_width=”100%”]
[obira_section_title section_sub_title=”At a glance” open_link=”true” section_max_width=”100%”]
[obra_features upload_type=”icon” feature_title=”Natural SMS Conversations” feature_content=”Our user interface allows you to have natural SMS conversations exactly how you would do on a phone.” open_link=”true” feature_icon=”ti-user”]
[obra_features upload_type=”icon” feature_title=”Inbound SMS Notifications” feature_content=”Never miss an inbound SMS while working within Dynamics with our inbound SMS Notifications.” open_link=”true” feature_icon=”ti-comment”]
[obra_features upload_type=”icon” feature_title=”Automatic SMS Through Workflow” feature_content=”Our solution provides a workflow component that can be used within any existing or new process to send out SMS.” open_link=”true” feature_icon=”ti-ruler-alt-2″]
[obra_features upload_type=”icon” feature_title=”Automatic SMS Through Microsoft Flow” feature_content=”Send SMS through our Flow connector and continue to track within your CRM. Build workflows through inbound and outbound triggers.” open_link=”true” feature_icon=”ti-ruler-pencil”]
[obra_features upload_type=”icon” feature_title=”Global SMS Readability” feature_content=”No 3rd party SMS gateway required. Send SMS to 207 different countries at domestic pricing” open_link=”true” feature_icon=”ti-world”]
[obra_features upload_type=”icon” feature_title=”Consent Opt In/Out” feature_content=”GDPR SMS consent opt in/out with tracking. Reply STOP to turn of text message delivery” open_link=”true” feature_icon=”ti-hand-stop”]
[obra_features upload_type=”icon” feature_title=”Bulk SMS From Marketing Lists” feature_content=”Quickly send bulk SMS, including images, directly from marketing lists without the need for any additional customisations.” open_link=”true” feature_icon=”ti-face-smile”]
[obra_features upload_type=”icon” feature_title=”Out of CRM Roaming” feature_content=”Send and receive SMS outside of Microsoft Dynamics while still logging the SMS history within the CRM.” open_link=”true” feature_icon=”ti-cloud”]
[obra_features upload_type=”icon” feature_title=”SMS Dashboard” feature_content=”Easily view your send and receive rates on a month by month basis on our Dynamics dashboard.” open_link=”true” feature_icon=”ti-bar-chart-alt”]
[obra_features upload_type=”icon” feature_title=”Contact Synchronisation” feature_content=”TxtSync can automatically synchronise with your Dynamics contacts, accounts and leads allowing you to communicate with your contacts in TxtSync.” open_link=”true” feature_icon=”ti-reload”]
[obra_features upload_type=”icon” feature_title=”SMS Syncronisation” feature_content=”TxtSync can automatically match up and track SMS within Dynamics against the relevant contacts, accounts and leads.” open_link=”true” feature_icon=”ti-email”]
[obra_features upload_type=”icon” feature_title=”Supported Customisations” feature_content=”TxtSync allows you to jump into an SMS Campaign or view contact summary profiles through supported customisations.” open_link=”true” feature_icon=”ti-check-box”]
[obira_callout btn_text=”Pricing” btn_link=”” parallax_bg=”true”]

The Ultimate SMS Integration into Microsoft Dynamics!


[obira_section_title section_title=”UI that delivers the ultimate user experience for SMS in Dynamics” section_sub_title=”User Interface” section_content=”Using TxtSync’s free browser extension you will experience a simplistic, but intuitive interface for sending and receiving SMS.

Never miss an inbound SMS with our screen pops and say goodbye to creating SMS activity records to actually send an SMS. With our UI you can easily have a natural SMS conversation with your customers like you would on a mobile.” open_link=”true” section_max_width=”100%”]

[obira_obira_image image_align=”center” obra_image=”4632″ obra_image_border=”true” obra_image_shadow=”true” class=”roundedCorner”]
[obira_section_title section_title=”Automatically push SMS records in to Dynamics against the relevant contacts” section_sub_title=”Data Synchronisation” section_content=”For the ultimate seamless user experience you can use our Dynamics Sync service which allows TxtSync to synchronise with your Dynamics contacts, accounts & leads. Whats more TxtSync will automatically push all inbound and outbound SMS to the relevant contact records within your Dynamics system.” open_link=”true” section_max_width=”100%”]
[obira_obira_image image_align=”center” obra_image=”4627″ obra_image_border=”true” obra_image_shadow=”true” img_max_width=”true” class=”roundedCorner”]
[obira_obira_image obra_image=”3906″ obra_image_border=”true” obra_image_shadow=”true” class=”roundedCorner”]
[obira_section_title section_align=”left” section_title=”Enhance your automated processes through the use of SMS” section_sub_title=”Dynamics Workflow” section_content=”Easily add SMS to any existing, or new workflow process through TxtSync’s workflow component. Simply state the From and To number along with the message body to send out your text. Plus keep a history of your SMS within Dynamics by choosing to create an SMS record.” open_link=”true”]
[obira_section_title section_title=”Send from Marketing Lists with ease” section_sub_title=”Marketing Lists” section_content=”Through the power of sync you can send from marketing lists without any need for further customisations! Our simple step process will guide you through sending out bulk SMS that can be personalised and include tracked images, web links and even files! Whats more you can even track replies back into the campaign!” open_link=”true” section_max_width=”100%”]
[obira_obira_image image_align=”center” obra_image=”4630″ obra_image_border=”true” obra_image_shadow=”true” img_max_width=”true” class=”roundedCorner”]
[obira_section_title section_title=”Gain an understanding of your customer’s engagement” section_sub_title=”Customer Engagement” section_content=”Through synchronisation your contact’s SMS statistics will be synced into Microsoft Dynamics. Details on total inbound, outbound and failed messaging is exposed, along with links sent, links clicked and a calculated customer engagement rating.” open_link=”true” section_max_width=”100%”]
[obira_obira_image obra_image=”4666″ obra_image_border=”true” obra_image_shadow=”true” class=”roundedCorner”]
[obira_section_title section_align=”left” section_title=”Reply with stop and prevent further SMS communications” section_sub_title=”Contact Preferences” section_content=”Your customer’s can reply back to one of your dedicated numbers with the stop command. This will state that the customer no longer wants to receive SMS. Through synchronisation the associated CRM record will have its contact preferences updated.” open_link=”true”]
[obira_obira_image obra_image=”4667″ obra_image_border=”true” obra_image_shadow=”true” class=”roundedCorner”]
[obira_section_title section_title=”Visualise your SMS data with Dynamics Dashboard” section_sub_title=”Dashboards” section_content=”We provide some out of the box dashboards to help you visualise your SMS data.” open_link=”true” section_max_width=”100%”]
[obira_obira_image image_align=”center” obra_image=”4669″ obra_image_border=”true” obra_image_shadow=”true” img_max_width=”true” class=”roundedCorner”]
[obira_obira_image image_align=”center” obra_image=”4671″ obra_image_border=”true” obra_image_shadow=”true” img_max_width=”true” class=”roundedCorner”]
[obira_section_title section_align=”left” section_title=”Send out SMS for scheduled appointments” section_sub_title=”Appointment Messages” section_content=”Part of our solution provides you with a Appointment SMS workflow component which can be used around the creation, alteration & cancellation of appointments. The workflow component will allow you to send out SMS to everyone on your required attendees list. You can even use the workflow component to set up SMS appointment reminders!” open_link=”true”]
[obira_obira_image obra_image=”4691″ obra_image_border=”true” obra_image_shadow=”true” class=”roundedCorner”]
[obira_section_title section_title=”Supported Dynamics customisations that you can rely on” section_sub_title=”Customisations” section_content=”The customisations made to enhance Dynamics with SMS capabilities are fully supported and provided through a Managed Solution . This Managed Solution can be easily installed or removed at anytime.” open_link=”true” section_max_width=”100%”]
[obira_obira_image image_align=”center” obra_image=”4628″ obra_image_border=”true” obra_image_shadow=”true” img_max_width=”true” class=”roundedCorner”]
[obira_callout parallax_bg=”true”]

SMS boasts a 98% read rate so you can be sure your messages will be seen!


[obira_section_title section_title=”What versions are supported?” section_sub_title=”Getting Started” open_link=”true” section_max_width=”100%”]
[obira_section_title section_sub_title=”Microsoft Dynamics 365″ section_content=”Office 365 Connection” open_link=”true”]
[obira_section_title section_sub_title=”Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016″ section_content=”On Premise Active Directory and IFD” open_link=”true”]
[obira_section_title section_title=”Interested? Here’s what you need to do!” open_link=”true” section_max_width=”100%”]


Create a TxtSync account. It’s free and you only pay on-demand for the SMS you send. we provide free credit to get started with and free shared numbers!


Download the relevant TxtSync managed solution above and import it into Dynamics. After importing go to, and complete the solutions configuration page. System admin rights are required for the first stage.


Download and install the TxtSync Chrome extension. This step is optional but recommended for an enhanced user experience

[obira_section_title section_title=”Heres some guides to help you on your way” section_sub_title=”Tutorials” open_link=”true”]

Getting Started

A full guide that explains how to get everything setup and offers insight into how the solution works.

How to Send Automated SMS Through Workflow

A guide that takes you through the process of automating SMS through workflow.

How to Send Manual SMS

A guide that takes you through the process of sending out SMS directly from the CRM if using our Chrome and Sync Service is not an option

How to Send Appointment SMS

A guide that takes you through the process of sending out SMS to required attendees when scheduling an appointment.

[obira_callout btn_text=”Check out our Partner Scheme” btn_link=”” parallax_bg=”true”]

Are you a Microsoft Dynamics CRM partner who provides client solutions?


[obira_section_title section_title=”Latest Blog Posts on Microsoft Dynamics” section_content=”Keep up to date with the latest TxtSync news, tutorials and tips for Microsoft Dynamics” open_link=”true”]
[obira_blog blog_style=”obra-blog-two” blog_column=”col-md-6 col-sm-6″ blog_limit=”4″ blog_category=”true” blog_date=”true” blog_author=”true” blog_orderby=”date” blog_show_category=”dynamics” blog_pagination=”true”]
[obira_section_title section_title=”Super SMS features” section_sub_title=”Our SMS functionality” section_content=”We love our features and we’ve sure you will too! They make SMS communications and SMS marketing a doddle. We already offer loads of great ones with more in the pipeline as we continue coming up with amazing new ways to make your life easier! For example, our cloud-based SMS platform lets you easily send and receive messages while tracking delivery and engagement of your SMS marketing campaigns.” open_link=”true” section_max_width=”100%”]
[obra_services service_items=”%5B%7B%22service_icon%22%3A%22fa%20fa-paper-plane-o%22%2C%22service_title%22%3A%22Send%20Text%20Messages%22%2C%22service_link%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%7B%22service_icon%22%3A%22fa%20fa-comment-o%22%2C%22service_title%22%3A%22Receive%20Text%20Messages%22%2C%22service_link%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%7B%22service_icon%22%3A%22fa%20fa-comments-o%22%2C%22service_title%22%3A%22Conversations%22%2C%22service_link%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%7B%22service_icon%22%3A%22fa%20fa-line-chart%22%2C%22service_title%22%3A%22Campaigns%22%2C%22service_link%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%7B%22service_icon%22%3A%22fa%20fa-refresh%22%2C%22service_title%22%3A%22Text%20message%20templates%22%2C%22service_link%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%7B%22service_icon%22%3A%22fa%20fa-heart-o%22%2C%22service_title%22%3A%22Personalisation%22%2C%22service_link%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%7B%22service_icon%22%3A%22fa%20fa-book%22%2C%22service_title%22%3A%22Contact%20Database%22%2C%22service_link%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%7B%22service_icon%22%3A%22fa%20fa-tags%22%2C%22service_title%22%3A%22Tagging%2FGrouping%22%2C%22service_link%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%7B%22service_icon%22%3A%22fa%20fa-gavel%22%2C%22service_title%22%3A%22GDPR%20Compliance%22%2C%22service_link%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%7B%22service_icon%22%3A%22fa%20fa-camera%22%2C%22service_title%22%3A%22Media%20Library%22%2C%22service_link%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%7B%22service_icon%22%3A%22fa%20fa-link%22%2C%22service_title%22%3A%22Link%20Tracking%22%2C%22service_link%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%7B%22service_icon%22%3A%22fa%20fa-flag-o%22%2C%22service_title%22%3A%22Flag%20important%20messages%22%2C%22service_link%22%3A%22%22%7D%5D” see_more_link=”/sms-features” see_more_title=”See more features”]
[obira_obira_image obra_image=”2886″ obra_image_shadow=”true”]

Ready to get started?

There is no commitment or credit card required to try us out and all features are instantly accessible!

[obra_button button_text=”Free Sign Up” button_link=”” open_link=”true”]