Coming Soon

[obira_section_title section_title=”Whats in the pipeline?” section_content=”We have some exciting features currently in development and we can’t wait to get them in your hands!” open_link=”true” section_max_width=”100%”]
[obira_section_title section_align=”left” section_title=”Mobile Phone Application” section_content=”On the move and need to be able to easily mange your contact lists and SMS campaigns? What you need is the TxtSync mobile application!” open_link=”true” section_max_width=”100%”]

[obira_lists][obira_list text=”Contact Management”][obira_list text=”SMS Conversations”][obira_list text=”SMS Marketing Campaigns”][obira_list text=”Inbound SMS Notifications”][obira_list text=”SMS Statistics”][/obira_lists]

[obira_obira_image obra_image=”2565″ obra_image_border=”true” obra_image_shadow=”true”]
[obira_obira_image obra_image=”4057″ obra_image_border=”true” obra_image_shadow=”true”]
[obira_section_title section_align=”left” section_title=”Browser Extension” section_content=”Send and receive SMS while you are browsing any website easily with our browser extension.” open_link=”true” section_max_width=”100%”]

[obira_lists][obira_list text=”Send SMS”][obira_list text=”Inbound SMS Notifications”][obira_list text=”SMS Campaigns”][obira_list text=”SMS Conversations”][/obira_lists]

[obira_callout btn_text=”Our Core Features” btn_link=”/sms-features” parallax_bg=”true”]

We love our features and we’ve sure you will too! They make SMS communications and SMS marketing a doddle


[obira_section_title section_title=”Whats recently been released?” section_content=”We’ve been very busy and are very proud of our recently releases. We hope that you find them useful!” open_link=”true” section_max_width=”100%”]
[obira_section_title section_align=”left” section_title=”Microsoft Dynamics Integration” section_content=”You can now easily make SMS a part of your business workflows from within Microsoft Dynamics CRM.” open_link=”true” section_max_width=”100%”]

[obira_lists][obira_list text=”Send SMS from Workflows”][obira_list text=”Track all SMS against Accounts, Contacts & Leads”][obira_list text=”Manually send out SMS”][obira_list text=”Inbound SMS Notifications”][obira_list text=”SMS Conversations”][obira_list text=”SMS Campaigns”][/obira_lists]

[obira_obira_image obra_image=”3052″]
[obira_obira_image obra_image=”4065″ obra_image_border=”true” obra_image_shadow=”true”]
[obira_section_title section_align=”left” section_title=”Microsoft Flow” section_content=”Make SMS apart of your existing workflow with the TxtSync Microsoft Flow Connector. Using Flow you can create workflows between hundreds of products with no development expertise required.” section_btn_txt=”Microsoft Flow” section_btn_link=”” open_link=”true” section_max_width=”100%”]

[obira_lists][obira_list text=”Send SMS Action”][obira_list text=”Inbound SMS Trigger”][obira_list text=”Outbound SMS Trigger”][obira_list text=”Create Contact Action”][obira_list text=”Update Contact Action”][obira_list text=”Search Contact Action”][/obira_lists]

[obira_callout btn_text=”Subscribe” btn_link=”″ parallax_bg=”true” bg_color=”#0088f3″]

Want to be updated on when we release a feature? Then subscribe to our newsletter


[obira_section_title section_title=”Get the right features for your business” section_sub_title=”feature requests” section_content=”We are always looking to improve on the software service that we provide. If you believe we are missing a feature that could be beneficial to subscribers of our software then let us know. We can’t promise that all requests will be add to our product, but if the idea is too awesome to pass up, or if its frequently requested then we will add it to our backlog of work items.

As soon as you see an item appear in this coming soon section there is a commitment from us to deliver the feature. We will never release any ETAs on items in the coming soon section as we will not rush to release any software updates on our platform.

If you wish to make a feature request please email” section_btn_txt=”Make a Feature Request” section_btn_link=”” open_link=”” section_max_width=”100%”]

[obira_section_title section_sub_title=”Why no ETAs” open_link=””]

[obira_workflow_items icon_size=”37″][obira_workflow_item link_icon=”ti-package” title=”Professional Implementation” text=”From design to implementation, we make sure that features work along-side existing functionality and that they built professionally from the ground up.”][/obira_workflow_items]

[obira_workflow_items icon_size=”37″][obira_workflow_item link_icon=”ti-dashboard” title=”Quality Control” text=”We will only release software once it has passed our high standards of quality control checks. These checks are in place to ensure that everyone experiences a reliable bug free product.”][/obira_workflow_items]

[obira_workflow_items icon_size=”37″][obira_workflow_item link_icon=”ti-wand” title=”Creative Art-form” text=”Coding is a creative art-form and cannot be rushed. The best results come from an inspired team and cannot be forced.”][/obira_workflow_items]

[obira_workflow_items icon_size=”37″][obira_workflow_item link_icon=”ti-timer” title=”Business Operations” text=”The smooth operational running of the TxtSync platform will always take precedence over any up coming feature.”][/obira_workflow_items]

[obira_obira_image obra_image=”2817″ obra_image_border=”true” obra_image_shadow=”true”]
[obira_obira_image obra_image=”2886″ obra_image_shadow=”true”]

Ready to get started?

There is no commitment or credit card required to try us out and all features are instantly accessible!

[obra_button button_text=”Free Sign Up” button_link=”” open_link=”true”]